ELVs Assessment Phase Press Release

Assessing the Management of End-of-Life Vehicles in the Caribbean 

The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC – Caribbean) recently embarked on Phase II of Output 3.2 ‘To Strengthen capacity for the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) in eleven (11) countries’, under the GEF ISLANDS 10279 and 10472 projects.  Under this assessment phase, the consulting team, Rapid Environmental Assessments (2003) Ltd. (REAL), embarked on National Assessment Missions to ten (10) of the eleven (11) participating countries under this output.  

REAL along with the support of the BCRC-Caribbean conducted national workshops during the period July 24, 2023 to October 09, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, The Dominican Republic, Guyana, Saint Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. While Saint Kitts and Nevis is a project country under this activity, it was recognized that their current ELV Management Operations did not warrant a National Assessment Mission, therefore their assessment was done via a desktop study.  

The objectives of the assessment phase were to:  

  • Conduct a Technical Assessment to determine the capacity for the ESM of ELVs in each participating country 
  • Conduct a Material Flow Assessment of ELV sources and quantities in each participating country, and 
  • Conduct an Economic Assessment to determine the best approaches for improved financing in ELV management, giving consideration to socio-economic factors. 

The approach for the missions was a combination of National Stakeholder Consultations and Site Visits to facilities that manage ELVs and their components. The meetings provided an opportunity for the consultants to engage with public, private, and civil society entities engaged in ELV management, along with the support of the National Working Group (NWG) representatives, who guided the discussion based on their national situation and their understanding of the objectives of this project output. The discussions among agencies allowed for a comprehensive examination of vehicle imports, management practices once vehicles reach their end of life, costs of export and other topics that helped shape the consultants understanding of the national management of ELVs.  

Through the support of the NWG, the consultants along with the BCRC-Caribbean were also able to visit the facilities of organisations that manage ELVs and their components in each country, to view their practices in person. From Deglos Sanitary Landfill in Saint Lucia to Mena’s Recycling in Antigua and Barbuda and Orange Walk Metal Recyclers in Belize, the missions facilitated in person assessments to these and other operators, to conduct a comprehensive on-the-ground assessment in each country. This allowed the consultants to speak directly with the operators to identify the national challenges to ELV management whether that be legislation, institutional capacity, public awareness, or funding opportunities.  

As a preliminary observation, it was noted that the private sector plays a significant role in providing opportunities for the management of ELVs nationally, as well as collaboration within the region. Subsequent to this assessment, the consultants are tasked with developing a national ELVs assessment report for each country as well as a regional report, with recommendations based on the findings of the assessment. Additionally, they will be developing an evaluation criterion to prioritize five (5) countries and facilities for further improvement under Phase III of the project, the ELV Management Improvement Phase. Through this activity, we endeavor to improve the way ELVs are managed in the region, by improving current practices to be better aligned with the Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices (BAT/BEP).  


The Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) Programme is a $515-million, five-year initiative backed by the Global Environment Facility (providing $61 million), supporting 33 Small Island Developing States in four regions – the Atlantic, Caribbean, Indian and Pacific Ocean to reduce and manage toxic waste in their territories. ISLANDS is led by the United Nations Environment Programme, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the Inter-American Development Bank.  

About the UN Environment Programme  

The UN Environment Programme is the leading global voice on the environment. It provides leadership and encourages partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.  

About the Global Environment Facility  

The Global Environment Facility is the largest multilateral fund working to enable developing countries to invest in nature. It supports the implementation of international environmental conventions on biodiversity, climate change, chemicals, and desertification. Since 1991, it has provided more than $21.7 billion in grants and blended finance and mobilized an additional $119 billion in co-financing for more than 5,000 projects and programmes.  

About the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer  

The BCRC-Caribbean is one of fourteen (14) global regional and coordinating centres established under The Basel Convention. The Centre serves fifteen (15) Caribbean countries that are Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, and Minamata Conventions and assists them with implementing their international obligations to manage wastes and chemicals and protect human health and the environment.